Nordyke Ministries
God sends Spencer & Cyndy Nordyke on specific assignments to pray over cities and areas to change the spiritual atmosphere while declaring His Word. They go, they listen to the Holy Spirit, they pray, then deliver God's message changing people's lives throughout the world.
Nordyke Ministries
"God Is For Us - God Is On My Side" series part 2 - Cyndy Nordyke
"God Is For Us - God Is On My Side" series part 2 - Cyndy Nordyke
Spencer & Cyndy Nordyke are anointed, dynamic ministers having a strong prophetic perspective for the Body of Christ. They also have a Good Word from God that will inspire vision and encourage everyone to use their faith. Their heart is to minister to churches and their staff, they believe in the 5-fold ministry and have a vision to build Leadership Teams through-out the world.
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"God Is For Us - God Is On My Side" series part 2 - Cyndy Nordyke